Legislative and governmental decisions

The FDIE has contributed actively to the formulation of the texts below.

  • (Loi N° 2006 – 1771 de finances rectificative 2006, Art. 165)
    [Unofficial translation by FDIE: “In schools which have one or more International Sections where specific teaching is given involving the progressive use of a foreign language in certain subjects, the teachers charged with delivering such education may be made available by the foreign countries concerned or may be recruited and remunerated by approved associations. They [teachers] may equally be recruited by the State in accordance with article 932-2 of the code of education. A decree from the Conseil d’Etat emanating from the Minister of Finance will determine under what conditions such teaching could give rise to the payment of a charge.”]


  • Decree N° 2006-1193 of 28 September 2006 on the suppression of both school catchment/zoning areas and quotas, the introduction of non-linguistic subjects in International Sections etc.


  • (Loi d’orientation et de programme pour l’avenir de l’école,adopted by Parliament 24 March 2005)
    [Unofficial translation by FDIE: “Each “academic region” (Académie) shall have at least one group of schools (primary, middle, high) [école – collège – lycée] comprising at least 2 different International Sections.”]


  • (Détail des mesures, Axe N° 1, Objectif 2, Séminaire Gouvernemental sur l’attractivité de la France, 11 décembre 2003)
    [Unofficial translation by FDIE: “Increase the recognition abroad of the International Option of the Baccalaureate by negotiating with our partner countries for their simultaneous issue of an end-of-school diploma. Make the opening of new International Sections in primary, middle and high school (primaire, collège, lycée) easier by devolving decision-making and easing the criteria (especially the quotas of foreign/French students required).”]


  • (Official Communiqué of meetings between the French and German Regions in the presence of the French Prime Minister and the German Chancellor, Poitiers, 27 – 28 October 2003)
    [Unofficial translation by FDIE: “In France, the International Sections model shall be extended to other schools; easing the regulations for their opening will contribute to this objective.”]